A iniciativa para a produção de um álbum, surge da prévia produção de um projecto sonoro – I’m Supposed to Exhale (2020), e que teve como objeto de estudo o início da pandemia, dos primeiros impactos do confinamento e especulação de como a Covid-19 evoluiria durante o aquele período. Esta primeira produção que foi finalizada no primeiro semestre de 2020 e os efeitos do contágio da doença continuava a mudar a dinâmica do dia-a-dia.
A proposta então de homeseekhomeseekhomeseek veio com a vontade de criar uma nova dialética sobre ideias e reflexões que surgiam durante este percuso, agora, com a vontade de explorar a figura da casa, do lar e questionar o ato de ocupar um espaço e apropriar-se do mesmo como residência. Criar uma conversa entre os ruídos retirados deste espaço de casa que agora é a figura alegórica que oprimi, domina, onera e sobrecarrega o nativo ocupante.
O jogo com a expressão ‘home sick’ (trad. livre: sentir falta de casa) que agora, neste contexto agora é adaptada para ‘homeseek’ (trad. livre e interpretativa de procurar/buscar/pretender/caçar a sensação de casa).
O lugar habitado agora é quem devora, oprimi, manifesta o papel de prisão sobre aquele que reside.
Neste período então é absorvido as vivências resultantes de um processo de sobrevivência dentro de um espaço de pandemia, o progresso e retardo de ações perante o cenário atual de saúde, reflexões essas que passam pelo país onde resido (Portugal) e do país em que nasci (Brasil), há o interesse em debater o papel do ofício como ferramenta de sobrevivência monetária e o ofício como ferramenta de sobrevivência psíquica dentro de um espaço.
EN: The initiative for the production of an album, arises from the previous production of a sound project - I'm Supposed to Exhale (2020), and whose object was to study the beginning of the pandemic, the first impacts of confinement and speculation of how Covid-19 would evolve during that period. This first production that was completed in the first half of 2020 and the effects of contagion of the disease continued to change the dynamics of day-to-day.
The proposal of homeseekhomeseekhomeseek then came with the desire to create a new dialectic on ideas and reflections that arose during this journey, now, with the desire to explore the figure of the house, the home and to question the act of occupying a space and appropriating itself of it as a residence. Create a conversation between the noises removed from this home space that is now the allegorical figure that oppresses, dominates, burdens and overloads the native occupier.
The game with the expression 'home sick' (free translation: miss home) which now, in this context is now adapted for 'homeseek' (free and interpretive translation of seeking / seeking / intending / hunting for the feeling of home) .
The inhabited place now is the one who devours, oppresses, manifests the role of prison over the one who resides.
In this period, the experiences resulting from a process of survival within a pandemic space are absorbed, the progress and delay of actions in the current health scenario, reflections that pass through the country where I live (Portugal) and the country where I was born (Brazil), there is an interest in debating the role of the craft as a tool of monetary survival and the craft as a tool of psychic survival within a space.
The proposal of homeseekhomeseekhomeseek then came with the desire to create a new dialectic on ideas and reflections that arose during this journey, now, with the desire to explore the figure of the house, the home and to question the act of occupying a space and appropriating itself of it as a residence. Create a conversation between the noises removed from this home space that is now the allegorical figure that oppresses, dominates, burdens and overloads the native occupier.
The game with the expression 'home sick' (free translation: miss home) which now, in this context is now adapted for 'homeseek' (free and interpretive translation of seeking / seeking / intending / hunting for the feeling of home) .
The inhabited place now is the one who devours, oppresses, manifests the role of prison over the one who resides.
In this period, the experiences resulting from a process of survival within a pandemic space are absorbed, the progress and delay of actions in the current health scenario, reflections that pass through the country where I live (Portugal) and the country where I was born (Brazil), there is an interest in debating the role of the craft as a tool of monetary survival and the craft as a tool of psychic survival within a space.
Album: homeseekhomeseekhomeseek
01. tune in (1:24)
02. Callings (3:15)
03. unwell vazio (2:49)
04. meddling (2:02)
05. saboteur (3:00)
06. a whole day of work (2:39)
07. loosely reference (2:36)
08. he called saying Hi (1:00)
09. home sick (2:42)
10. increasing numbers (1:23)
11. A bunch of resolutions without solutions. (1:55)